What a long and fulfilling day! We started off having to work for a couple of hours this morning. Not much exciting going on there, a couple of vomitting cats, an anorexic dog, and a partridge in a pear tree. Then we headed over to the gym for 30 minutes on the bike/arm thingy and 10 minutes on the stairmaster. After peeling off my sweat-soaked clothing and hitting the showers, Angela and I headed to JFK Airport to meet up with her Mom and Step-dad Nick on their change-over from the UK to Florida. We spent a nice couple of hours chatting and catching up. We also scored an entire suitcase of stuff!! The suitcase contained some wedding gifts (i.e. our new posh cutlery set, a serving set, some money, cards, etc etc), all super great stuff. Even better...we got a bunch of British products!!! Both Angela and I miss many many UK items, and getting a suitcase full of stuff is worth more than gold to us. We got some REAL BRITISH crumpets (these phony crumpets they sell at Trader Joe's do NOT compare!), Vimto (it is concentrated grapey-currant juice that she likes but makes me GAG), amongst other things. How awesome!!! Then, we headed home after Mum and Nick hopped a plane to sunny FLA, took a short nap, then headed out again to dinner with Mom and Marty - we went to Pancho's Cantina (again), for a delightful Mexican meal. This place is the best, they give you all-you-can-eat warm nacho chips (both regular AND blue!) and fresh salsa, and it is so good that by the time the food gets to you, you have very little room left in your nacho-filled stomach for your meal. I did manage to squeeze in my grilled salmon dish somehow....when 4 of my friends come to visit this coming Friday, I am intending to take them to Pancho's, so I had to make sure the food was still up to par. So......Michelle, Rachel, Andy and Gaz...thumbs up, we are headin' to Mexico for an evening.
After dinner, we had to do a little food shopping. Now, the plan was to "run in" to Stop N' Shop for some sliced turkey, bread, yogurt and apples for lunch and snacks. No problem. So someone PLEASE tell me how the hell we managed to spend $86?!?!? This ALWAYS happens when we "run in" for a few things....cuz we find a few MORE things. "Oh I forgot we also need toilet paper, Whole Wheat Matzos (yes I am serious), orange juice and pickled pig rectum (no, not serious)." Ah well, that's life. Gotta eat. And wipe your ass....
Now I am home, just finished watching "Surreal Life" (DAMN that Adrianne chick is smokin' hot!) and "Strange Love" (it blows, but I just love having Flava on my TV screen), am now in the middle of "Celebrity Fit Club" - its a show where "celebrities" (including the likes of Daniel Baldwin, Biz Markie and Wendy the Snapple Lady) are trying to lose weight. Its pretty funny watching them all bicker and argue, etc. But it is missing something....I can't figure out exactly what. However, seeing these big ol' semi-celebs trying to drop some weight (even though they continue to eat shit food and don't exercise), and then actually seem disappointed when they don't lose anything at the weigh-ins....it makes me feel better about my own struggle with weight loss. And Biz Markie rules...
Well, thats about all for tonight, as my good buddy Jared says...."I feel the need to be horizontal."
For shizzle,