Nate was right on when he told me, "The Jets will never win. They constantly get their fans hopes up, year after year, but never seem to be able to come through when it counts." OK, that isn't what he said word for word, but close enough. And he is right on. What a disappointment, this is gonna be a long season...but at least they aren't the 49er's.
I can't wait for our cruise! It is coming fast, and it is going to be a ton of fun - and a much needed break from the daily grind. Work has been surprisingly busy - post-Labor day is supposed to be the time when everything slows down...however it has been busier than ever! Its good because time flies...but I end up coming home exhausted. Today's excitement: a little cocker-poo caught its toe in the door and ripped its entire nail off its toe, leaving a gaping, gushing, bloody hole. Yikes. Angela had a cat that was so constipated - more so than anything we have ever seen - that we had to anesthetize it to extract all the poop. The smell was delightful, I assure you.
I have been trying to call my buddy Jared all weekend, but he isn't around...I hope he is ok. I was hoping we could meet up for dinner before I am off to sea! Hopefully he will get my messages and give me a call. Haven't seen him in ages...
That's about all for now, will have plenty of photos post-cruise!