I know it has been a while since I posted - that is because, between trying to close on our new house (yes, we are in contract FINALLY!), training for the race, and Ella deciding she no longer wants to sleep through the night anymore (i.e. we are now sleep deprived and thus going to sleep early!), I just haven't had the time or energy to upload pics and update the blog! I will do some bullet points and then get on to what most everyone cares about - the pics.
- The house is soon to be ours. We will be moving to Oceanside in the not too distant future, hopefully within the month. The financial implications of this are staggering and frightening as hell, but I am told it will be worth it. That is to be determined...
- Training has been going great. Until Sunday that is, when I was doing a 17 mile run. The first 14 miles went just fine. Then I tripped on a loose board on the boardwalk and went down HARD on my hip. I finished up the 17 miles, but the past few days, running has not been going well - the hip is sore, so haven't been able to do as much as is scheduled. I shall now start the advil/ice/cold laser therapy routine (we have the laser at work). Hopefully I will be ok for the 18 miles scheduled for Sunday.
- I almost got a chance to go to see Dave Matthews Band tonight from 2 separate people, but alas, my luck was not with me, and I did not secure the tickets. :(
- Michelle is visiting with us from Canada, which has been lovely. She is off home tomorrow.
- Had my photo shoot last week for "Runner's World" magazine - that should be out next month! Go and get it!!!
- I was recently contacted by NBC TV network to be on a show called "My First Time" - they have had 2 episodes already, this will be the third, and it will be about people with interesting stories who are running the NYC marathon for the first time. Apparently, I will be followed around by cameras for a MONTH. It will be like "The Real World" or something, how cool is THAT!??! I am PUMPED.
OK, that about covers it. Here's some pics:

My little burrito

Ella's first haircut

Me and my munchkin checking out the surf.


Planting Fields - Family shot #1

She knows how to use this thing...trust me.

Family photo #2

#3 - fuzzy, but too good to leave out.

Me, Ella and Michelle getting ready to munch our Whole Foods picnic!

Mommy and Ella