Sunday, November 06, 2005

It's Been A While...

...since I have posted anything, mainly because nothing really has been going on lately. In fact, I am not even sure why I am writing this right now. Probably because a few people mentioned that I hadnt written in a while, and I wanted to give my grandpa something to read now that he has his power/cable back down in FLA. Hi pop!

Let's see...what to write...

Last weekend, we took my Mom and Dad's old bedroom set - Mom and Marty are getting a new one, so we figured we could find room for a nice old solid wood set in our house somewhere. We rented a van, and myself, Lenny and Dad went to get the stuff moved. The dresser was not much of a problem, the side tables were a piece of cake. Then we came to the armoire. I figured it should be about the same weight as the dresser, seeing as it was about the same size. Reasonable assumption, right? WRONG. That thing was SO HEAVY. I bashed the hell out of myself 3 times (once in the foot, once in the ankle and once on my inner knee) just getting it out of Mom's house. After that, though, it was fine, because there are no stairs coming into my apartment, so the move into my place was "easy." Afterwards, we went out to "Yummy Yummy" for all-you-can-eat sushi. Yummy. Yummy.

Friday night I played some Texas Hold'em with Jared, Lenny and Wayne. I lost. Badly. First one out. That sucked.

Last night, Matthias (previously referred to as Janjaweed) came up from NJ to hang out. He, Jared, Angela and myself went out to eat at a Greek restaurant where the waitress proceeded to hit on him. No, this was not a good thing. This waitress appeared to be either 1) drunk, 2) stoned, 3) mentally impaired, 4) all of the above. Most likely answer - choice 4. In any case, throughout the meal, she would come to the table and make comments like "Jesus, you really wolfed that food down!" When she came over at the end to see if we wanted dessert, she said to Matthias, "Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" Wow. Awkward. I promptly said "Yes, I tell him all the time." Matthias was struck with a stunned silence before mumbling "Thank you, I guess." I swear to god I was expecting this hosebeast's phone number to be written on our bill. It wasn't, but she did stop him on our way out to apologize for embarassing him. Talk about inappropriate...but hey, whatever. That sort of stuff happens to me all the time at old mexican/jewish women looking for a meal ticket for their coke-head daughters.

After dinner, we came back to my place and watched TV. Jared passed out in the spare bedroom while Matthias and I watched "The Family Guy Movie," which SUCKED. We then started watching "Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle" before passing out ourselves. Harold and Kumar was pretty funny, I must watch the end today sometime...after football of course!

I think I have allowed Matthias ample time for sleep, I shall now go and throw one of my cats on him to ease him into an awakened state. Ta ta for now.

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