The Secret to Weight Loss - "When you don't feel like it, do it anyway." What the hell does that mean?? You know how sometimes you wake up in the morning, and you are a bit sluggish. You may be achy. You don't feel like going to the gym before/after work...well, the secret to weight loss do it anyway. You know how you go out to eat and you could just MURDER a bacon double cheeseburger with a mound of fries...and you really don't feel like eating healthy-type fare (i.e. grilled salmon with steamed veggies)? Guess do it (eat the salmon, not the cheeseburger) anyway. There it is, folks - my secret to weight loss. This all came to me as I was in the middle of running the boarwalk yesterday (which I really did not feel like doing!).
My Motivation - Besides the obvious (Angela and the baby), I am motivated by several things on a daily basis:1) Seeing photos of myself a couple of years ago 2) Having clients notice my weight loss and tell me how good I look 3) Being able to shop at normal stores and buy normal sized clothes (I cannot begin to tell you how good that feels after having to either shop at "Big and Tall Male" or order stuff online because no store carries the hugest size possible) 4) Going to the gym/work/store/wherever and seeing overweight, old, bald guys. Now, I know that I can't control or change the baldness or the aging process...but I damn sure don't want to be fat anymore, and THAT I can control.
So there ya go. I guess anytime anyone asks me that question again I will either cut and paste this post or just direct them to my blog...
Oh, and here is the 32-week belly shot!:

I know that exact feeling you're talking about: waking up and feeling sluggish. I think of this situation as a test and only by getting myself "up and at 'em" can I make myself stronger and a better person. I usually fall back asleep for 10 minutes.
Well, every day is a test for me my friend, at least that is how I look at it...a challenge, if you will, to improve on the day before. It works for me.
I can't tell you enough how very proud I am of you. You make light of it but it takes a lot of willpower and determination to do what you have done.You have made yourself healthy and fit and it is incredible. You won't have to worry about diabetes and other issues now that your in shape. I love you very much you are the best!!!
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