...well, I'm not! And it's MY BLOG! BWAHAHAHAHA!
Monday, July 31, 2006
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
One Day Later...
So maybe my baby is on UK time or something, because at 2am thursday morning (July 27th), Angela went into labor. Early labor, yes, but labor. Went to doctors, still not dilated any further. Sent home. Excruciating pain ensued. Went back to doctors. Dilated 4cm. Admitted to hospital at 4pm. Anesthesia came to see us - epidural attempted. Three times. Failed. Much pain in the attempts. Not fun! Gave Angela IV narcotic. Knocked her out cold for 2 hours. Sleep is good. When she woke up, still no further dilated. At 8 pm, gave her pitocin to stimulate contractions and another dose of narcotic. Narcotic didn't help this time. 10:31pm, after lots of pain and screaming...Ella Grace Spar was born. She weighed in at 7lbs, 20.5 inches long. She's a gorgeous little miracle. Both momma and baby are resting comfortably and are glowing beautiful creatures that comprise my entire reason for being. Here, for your viewing pleasure, are the first photos of the baby. Think "People" or "Us Weekly" will pay me $4 million for these??? Maybe if we had named her Shiloh...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006
40 Weeks...and counting...
Today, July 26th, 2006, was the estimated due date of mini-me, however noone managed to tell him/her that as Angela has not yet gone into labor. We went to the doc's today, and Angela is a bit dilated, but no further along than last week. So, the tentative plan is they want to do another sonogram on monday to check the amount of amniotic fluid left and monitor the baby's movements. That is, of course, unless the baby decides to join us before then.
Without further adieu, here's the 40-week belly shot:

And just for shits and giggles, here is the initial belly shot (8 weeks pregnant) alongside the full-term belly shot:

We will continue going on long walks, eating spicy food, rubbing her ankles, doing the "Labor Dance," along with any other suggestions anyone might have to get this party started...Of course, we know already that the baby will come when it is good and ready, despite anything we do to hasten the proceedings. Doesn't stop us from trying though...
Without further adieu, here's the 40-week belly shot:

And just for shits and giggles, here is the initial belly shot (8 weeks pregnant) alongside the full-term belly shot:

We will continue going on long walks, eating spicy food, rubbing her ankles, doing the "Labor Dance," along with any other suggestions anyone might have to get this party started...Of course, we know already that the baby will come when it is good and ready, despite anything we do to hasten the proceedings. Doesn't stop us from trying though...
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Has the Eagle Landed???
Angela has been getting contractions pretty constantly for the last couple of hours - getting stronger and stronger! So, we are off to the hospital - next you hear from me, I will either be a dad or we will have been sent home on a false alarm! Wish me luck!!!
Friday, July 14, 2006
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Monday, July 10, 2006
Home Run Derby
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Yeah, so Lenny and I went to the Mets vs. Marlins game today, and I decided to bring my camera - so here's some pics. As for the game itself...it was broiling hot, and we had 2 Dominicans behind us who were screaming in spanish for the entire game. So, we left in the middle of the 7th inning with the Mets losing 5-3. In the car, we listened to the rest of the game, and we missed a game-winning 3 run home-run by David Wright. All because of those loud motherf**kers behind us. Damn was I pissed...but at least we weren't in traffic to get out of Shea Stadium. And I got home to see the end of the World Cup Final as well (Can you believe that head-butt by Zidane?? What a French thug!). Silver lining, eh?
Here's some pics:
Me. Duh.
Me and Lenny.
Some Rookie named Henry Owens signing autographs. Yeah, we had good seats.
Pedro Feliciano signing autographs. Did I mention our seats rocked?
Some of the starting lineup during the National Anthem.
A beautiful day at Shea.
An action sequence. Ready to pitch...
...and mid-pitch! I think it was a strike.
Here's some pics:

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