So maybe my baby is on UK time or something, because at 2am thursday morning (July 27th), Angela went into labor. Early labor, yes, but labor. Went to doctors, still not dilated any further. Sent home. Excruciating pain ensued. Went back to doctors. Dilated 4cm. Admitted to hospital at 4pm. Anesthesia came to see us - epidural attempted. Three times. Failed. Much pain in the attempts. Not fun! Gave Angela IV narcotic. Knocked her out cold for 2 hours. Sleep is good. When she woke up, still no further dilated. At 8 pm, gave her pitocin to stimulate contractions and another dose of narcotic. Narcotic didn't help this time. 10:31pm, after lots of pain and screaming...Ella Grace Spar was born. She weighed in at 7lbs, 20.5 inches long. She's a gorgeous little miracle. Both momma and baby are resting comfortably and are glowing beautiful creatures that comprise my entire reason for being. Here, for your viewing pleasure, are the first photos of the baby. Think "People" or "Us Weekly" will pay me $4 million for these??? Maybe if we had named her Shiloh...

Awwwwwwwww! She is SO cute and you guys are such a cute little family. I can NOT wait to go buy her the cutest little girly clothes ;-)
Congratulations to the three of you! Your story scared the bejesus out of us, but we couldn't be happier for you. Ella is very lucky to have been born into such an awesome family. Where did the name come from? We think it's a tribute to both Ella Fitzgerald and Elvis (Graceland). Are we right?
You know, I don't honestly know where it came from - we didn't have any particular reason for the choice other than it was something we could agree on that we both loved. But, sure, if it makes you happy....Elvis and Ella Fitzgerald. :)
Grandma Karen says
Ella is a beautiful baby and is lucky to have such nice parents. I can't wait to watch her and spoil her rotten! I am so excited for you guys. This was what we needed now to make our family happy after such a sad year!
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