Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Ella's last bath - actually caught her NOT screaming!

Still being cooperative...!

On her way out with Mommy!

Naptime with Daddy!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Nightlife

Tonight was the first night that Angela allowed me to take one of the late-night feedings off her hands so she can get some well earned sleep. She already did the 1am feeding, so when Ella started fussing at 4:30am, I hopped out of bed ready to roll...

I warmed up her bottle and started feeding her - she did great, drank it all down, burped, wee'd in her diaper, so I changed that, everything was great. But she wasn't looking at all sleepy. So I thought I would warm up some more milk for her, maybe she was still hungry...? Tried to feed her, not interested. Tried singing to her and rocking her...she started screaming (not that I blame her...have you heard me sing?). I tried swaddling her and giving her a pacifier...she squirmed around and started squawking and making monkey sounds. I tried laying her on my chest to relax her...she grabbed 2 tiny fistfuls of chest hair and yanked. HARD. It is now 6am and she is swinging in her wonderful, life-saving, best-gift-ever, automatic swinging device. Hiccuping. No sleepy for daddy.

As this minor episode unfolded, I could feel the acid building in the pit of my stomach as the frustration mounted deep inside of me. I can only imagine how Angela feels when trying to deal with this screaming little nutburger when she is alone, deprived of sleep and food, with sore nipples from having been chewed up only minutes before. It took all I had not to call Angela in and have her take over, because I had no idea what Ella could possibly want! In the end, however, I had made up my mind to deal with it on my own so Angela could get some sleep. Besides, in a month or so, a day or 2 a week it will be me and Ella alone while mommy is at work, so I better get used to dealing with it by myself!!!

Brucey goes home in a couple of hours, so no more sleep is imminent for me...but Ella is now sleeping, and I am going to post some more photos of the little princess/banshee.

Now THAT'S what I am talkin' about! Asleep in the god-sent swingy thing!

All dressed up with nowhere to go...

New family photo!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


After several "requests" (i.e. demands) for new photos of the little 'un, I have finally gotten around to getting some pics on the computer, so here ya go! Some quick updates in Ella's development: She is rapidly become more human-like and less pet-like - she is staying awake and alert a lot more, she adores being on her back on the changing pad or on the bed, at which time she squawks like a duck, makes monkey sounds, giggles and smiles. She loves swinging in her swing while staring at the little floating animals above. She also enjoys being in her vibrating bouncy chair. She still wakes up twice a night for feedings and diaper changes, but the feedings are going quicker, and she fills her diaper about 10-12 times daily (down from 20!). Angela and her are settling into nice routines with feeding, and although both are recovering from thrush (i.e. yeast infections), they are kicking ass. I am being allowed to feed her some pumped milk ~1x a day, and I enjoy doing so - she stares intently into my eyes as she sucks down her meal, it is a very cool experience. I think she is starting to recognize us more; she gazes at us frequently and you can almost sense that she knows who we are. Both of us can't wait til the day that her movements become more than flailing reflexes and turn into outstretched arms awaiting big hugs.

A lovely bracelet made for Ella by Apryl, our co-worker. She's a bit small for it yet...

One of the few times I have been allowed to feed the little one.

Long lost relative of Sideshow Bob??

Funny face!

Entraced by her momma.

Dressed up in her new Greek dress, courtesy of Aunt Melissa and Uncle Daniel!!!

Tango, anyone?

Well, hellllllllllo!

I have no idea what caption to write for this one - suggestions?'

Pretty girl and her pretty momma.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Happy Sunday!

Today we took Ella for a nice little stroll to her Grandma Karen and Grandpa Marty's house for the first time! In attendance for the occasion was Ella's Great Aunt Gloria, Great Uncle Bruce, Cousin Lauren, Great Aunt Audrey, Great Uncle Bob as well as Grandma Karen, Grandpa Marty, Momma and Poppa!

Ella, looking thrilled as usual, all buckled in and ready to roll.

Lauren, me and Ella.

Lauren holding Ella for the first time.

Back home after the festivities - smiling (kinda)! She must have had a fun time being fussed over by everyone. Now if only it would tire her out a bit, we could get a good night's sleep!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

More Technical Difficulties

My computer has now been resurrected after having its 3rd hard drive in as many years die, so back to the photos!

Gas? Or really smiling??

Great-Grandma with Ella!

Excited as usual.

Not shaven in a week - paradise!! Back to work tomorrow though. Bye bye beard. :(

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Could it be true?!? It is not a dream...Flavor of Love is back!!! YES!!!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Insert Title Here

I couldn't be bothered coming up with any clever titles today, but here are a few more piccies!

"Born in 2006" shirt courtesy of Caroline - thanks again! :)

Friday, August 04, 2006

Ducktail, Cookies and the Boardwalk

Newest pics of Ella G. (my current nickname for her):

She was born with this ducktail at the back of her head. How cool is that?? How very 1980's!

Practicing for her future modeling career?

A gift from our financial advisor! How awesome?!

Ella and Poppa - first walk on the boardwalk!

Ella and Momma, the most beautiful ladies around.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Josh's Request

My old high school buddy Josh (and his wife Jan) asked me to post how Angela is feeling and coping with life after birth, and I aim to please!

When asked to reply to the request, Angela said she feels "Overwhelmed. Exhausted. Tired. Sore all over. But I love her so much."

So, since it is my blog, I will take the liberty of elaborating on that a bit. Josh and Jan, when you read this, please keep in asked for it. :) I won't sugar coat it, so hopefully it will give you a bit of an idea what to expect and make the unknown a bit less scary for you.

Basically, Day 1 when we got home from the hospital, Ella didn't sleep much at all. In fact, she screamed and fussed most of the night, and with Angela just starting to get the hang of breastfeeding and me just getting used to having a baby around, we both asked ourselves how in the hell we were going to be able to handle this responsibility. Things do seem quite scary at 2am when you have been overwhelmed with stress and are sleep (and proper nutrition) deprived for days.

Each day has gotten better since. Ella is starting to get into a routine with her feedings and is sleeping a lot more. Last night she was fed around 1am and slept through til 5am. That was really great progress, trust me. Ella and Angela are both in the process of getting to know each other and it is really nice to watch them bond. Ella and I are also bonding in a different way - she hangs with me while I watch tv or sit online, she fits neatly into the crook of my arm, and she is starting to take interest in me, staring at my face from time to time. One can only guess at what she might be thinking...

But I guess none of this has really answered the question of how Angela is feeling. From her perspective, she feels like a total mess - emotional, engorged, sore EVERYWHERE. Constantly having the struggle of breastfeeding is really quite taxing. Before Ella came, we thought people must be nuts for not breastfeeding - why would anyone buy formula when perfectly natural, complete food is made for you already? Well...I now know why. It is NOT an easy thing to breastfeed. Especially at the engorgment stage (which we are currently in), where her breasts are so full that they are solid as rocks and so painful that it makes her cry. Add to that cracked, raw, bleeding nipples and you can see why people would rather mix some warm water with some powder, chuck it in a bottle and feed that way.

Now from my perspective - Angela is doing AMAZINGLY well. She has just been through such a physical and emotional battle getting this baby out, and she is bouncing back like a champ. She has stitches where the sun don't shine. She is achy all over. To add insult to injury, she has a sore throat starting up. But every day she is smiling and fussing over our little girl. She knows that Ella doesn't mean to make life difficult, that she simply doesn't know any better at the moment, and each day gets a little bit easier. She looks INCREDIBLE - her belly is almost completely gone, you would never know she just had a baby. Yes, she gets emotional from time to time, but who wouldn't?!? I tell her a million times a day how proud of her I am yet still I can't say it enough, because it is not expressable in words how she inspires me.

So...yes, the responsibilty and entire experience is overwhelming. Tiring. Exhausting. Physically painful. Scary. And indescribably beautiful. Wouldn't change one second of it for the world.

Happy 30th Birthday To ME!

Today is my 30th birthday, and although it has been very low-key, it has been the best birthday ever...because I have been given the best gift ever. Guess what?

My birthday present!!!

"Put 'em up!" - A future boxer?

Striking a pose.

Furrowed brow...dreaming happy thoughts?

New family photo - the best birthday ever.