Wednesday, March 28, 2007


So, FINALLY, Ella's first tooth has decided to erupt and MAN is it sharp. Like, if you need to have some glass cut, we can just let her chew on it for a bit, should do the job nicely. She is also now 8 months old (as of yesterday), and she is eating real food - in fact, we went to Pancho's for dinner tonight and she thoroughly enjoyed her child-sized spicy beef burrito. Yes, I am joking. But she does eat melba toast. If you consider that food.

Anyways...the photos:


Rockin' the shades.

Swingin' at the Clark St Playground!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

For The People

Today was a slow lazy day as we sat indoors to allow the snow to melt outside. Angela went to work while Ella and I hung out and partied all day! Oh, by "partied" I actually mean "ate, slept, and stuck lots of things in Ella's mouth." But, as always, I wouldn't rather be anywhere else! Until she screams. Then I would rather be ANYWHERE else.....but that is just a fleeting feeling, soon replaced with shame and remorse. Until she screams again. Then the cycle repeats.

Anyway, here's some more photos/video for the masses.

"That's MY PIG!"

Cutest ever...yet again.

I love how she tries to eat the camera at the end. I told you she is a good eater!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

An Apple A Day...

So, we decided to let Ella taste a solid apple the other day. This is what happened:

Angela and I going out to dinner...alone...for the first time in a LONG time.

Ella's new sunhat. She got new sunglasses too...but they are too small for her oversized Spar head, so they must be exchanged for big huge baby ones.

This is NOT Ella in a retro-type photo. This is Angela at 10 months old.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Mo' Ella...

"Whatchoo talkin' bout Willis?"

I think we need to splurge on a hat that actually fits.

Nevermind, she looks hella cute in the big hat. :)

Cutest EVER.