Saturday, March 17, 2007

For The People

Today was a slow lazy day as we sat indoors to allow the snow to melt outside. Angela went to work while Ella and I hung out and partied all day! Oh, by "partied" I actually mean "ate, slept, and stuck lots of things in Ella's mouth." But, as always, I wouldn't rather be anywhere else! Until she screams. Then I would rather be ANYWHERE else.....but that is just a fleeting feeling, soon replaced with shame and remorse. Until she screams again. Then the cycle repeats.

Anyway, here's some more photos/video for the masses.

"That's MY PIG!"

Cutest ever...yet again.

I love how she tries to eat the camera at the end. I told you she is a good eater!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I need more pics! Mommy said she had a tooth!! I'll be home on Saturday and Sunday I need to come see her and take a run on the boardwalk. WIll call you!