Today was the first race day of the season for the Spar household, thus we ventured out to Jones Beach for the 3rd Annual Race For Spinal Victory. Last year, this race was my first ever 5k and I finished in 28:51 then. Ella was firmly entrenched in her momma's uterus, and was mere months from joining us in the air-breathing world. This year, Angela decided to walk the 5k along with Ella (in her stroller, of course).

Here is myself and my darling little daughter, who just looks pleased to be alive. In fact, it seems she is flipping off her momma. Not nice at all! This is a pre-race photo.

This photo was taken intra-race by Angela - she saw me coming and snapped a quicky. You can just about make me out running towards the camera right in front of the lady with the red sweater.

Here I am from the previous photo, cropped and blown up a bit! I managed to finish the race in 26:58, nearly 2 minutes better than last year. I was well pleased with that!

Here's Angela and Ella finishing the race in a very respectable 52:04 - not half bad for walking 3.1 miles!!
Next up - 10k run on May 6th. Stay tuned...
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