Friday, June 08, 2007


Best. Picture. EVER. Thank GOD they are sending this whiny brat back to jail. It has renewed my faith in the justice system. Until I think back to OJ Simpson. Then I get pissed again. But then I look at this picture again and I laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and everything in the world is happy again! Teehee!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, this may have slightly returned some of my faith in our Justice System, but it reinforces my disappointment in our media. This is what passes for national news nowadays?! The line between news and tabloid entertainment has been irrevocably blurred.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe you could be so thoughtless...this poor girl is about to spend time behind are a heartless bastard to be rejoicing in her misery. shame on you Brian....

do you know who i am?

Brian said...

Of course I do anonymous...I mean NATE.