Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Ella's 1-Year Doctor's Appointment

Today we took Ella in for her 1-year check up - she is now 22 lbs, and 28.25" long. That's the abridged version of the visit. The longer version involves a blood test (routine stuff, apparently) where they pricked her finger and milked blood from her while she screamed like a baboon in heat. Then, after she was examined by the doctor (more screaming, of course), she had to get 2 shots - they told us that they would sting. I think by "sting" they meant "searing pain" because I have never seen her get so hysterical since she has been alive. Not even her birth compared to this - she started with a silent scream while her face turned redder than a lobster, this then moved on to shrieks so piercing that you'd swear someone just drove a knife into your back, and finally we had racking sobbing the entire trip home. My poor little munchkin fell asleep in the car with about 5 minutes to home, and was then moved to her crib where she slept for an hour or so. Upon waking, she has been cranky as hell all day...didn't stop her from inhaling all of her food though...she just went to sleep (it's now 7:45pm), and I managed it in about 30 minutes without even having to walk her. Twas quite a sad experience, I have to say...but on a more positive note, she doesn't have to go back for any more shots for 3 months!!! And back to a less positive note, I did something to my right shoulder at the gym today, and I currently am unable to turn my head in either direction without shooting pain travelling down my neck. Cool, huh? I thought so.

Here's some pics of Ella because she is beautiful and I am not.

Ella and Elmo sitting in a tree...

Ella LOVES her new chair, courtesy of Aimee, Rob and Alexa!

Ella and Nanny Ridin' Dirrty



Anonymous said...

My brother, that story had my brow furrowed and my smile turned upside down. I feel your pain. Except for the new chair! That thing's awesome :)

Anonymous said...

And Happy Birthday to YOU!!!

You old fart.

Brian said...

Why thank you, my good man! I shall enjoy it at work, seeing as I will be there until 830 tonight! Oh, yeah, and also, I will enjoy it on very little sleep, seeing as Ella woke us up at 2am, 3am and 5am! But, again, the good news is that I still can't twist my head or move my right arm very well...

Anonymous said...

First of all I want to say Happy 31st Birthday to my little baby!!Brian enjoy all these years with Ella it goes so quickly!!!!I feel like eating her chubby cheeks especially in the bottom pic. She is just the cutest baby I ever saw!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday BRO- I love her dress in the bike pics- SO cute!