Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

Ah yes, it's that time of year again - time for sharing, caring, giving...and RALPHIE! The annual tradition continues...BEST MOVIE EVER. This year, Ella is more coherent, so I can begin her education in all things Ralphie. Angela is not too pleased about this, however some things are too important to argue. Ralphie shall live on indefinitely. Amen.

So, we awoke at about 5am via our alarm...er, Ella crying. There was no getting her back to sleep, so I turned on Ralphie and let the present giving begin. I got a SWEET new GPS watch for running as well as some Dick's Sporting Goods gift cards, new weight lifting gloves, some hand wraps (for boxing), and some other assorted goodies! Angela got tickets to see Phantom of the Opera on Broadway, a new webcam (to chat with her folks back in the UK) which also has a microphone and should theoretically work well with our new computer operating system, Shrek the Third on DVD, some kitchen stuff and some giftcards to Target and Gap. Of course, this day belongs primarily to Ella now, who received a new Rose Petal Cottage (this HUGE house-thingy), and a zillion other toys. This year Ella is much more appreciative of her toys than last year, however she's not quite there as far as knowing what the hell her gifts actually are. For example, she got a Beauty and the Beast tea set, which she is continuously unpacking and re-packing. She got some dominoes with animals on them which she promptly put into her Rose Petal Oven. Luckily, the oven doesn't actually heat up or else we would have to call the Rose Petal Insurance company to put in a claim when the cottage burns to the ground. It looks like a splendid day out, so hopefully we will go for a little walk later. I will go to the gym despite slipping on the hardwood floor yesterday and landing on my left femur with all of my weight (yes, it friggin HURTS). We will then get cooking our Christmas dinner, which will include Ham, grilled veggies and steamed broccoli. Most of all, I will enjoy my time with my family, even if Ella is battling another ear infection and teething. And so, for your viewing pleasure, the photos/videos!

Ella in her most peaceful form.

Trying on Mommy's gloves!

Playing on her new bouncy toy thingy from Auntie Mel and Uncle Dan

Entering the cottage for the first time

I think she likes it...

MMMM. LOVE the smell of freshly baked dominoes!

Sharing some tea with daddy.

Kisses with daddy!

Cracking up at Daddy's pain.

Christmas Morning!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brian Ella is certainly a very happy baby! She is adorable in the video with her hitting you with the block. Everytime I hear her laugh it makes me smile. She is growing up so fast so enjoy her because before you know it she will be a teenager.She seems to enjoy her toys and books now and is fun to play with.I love watching her grow up and see her change.