Today I ran my 2nd 5K race, The Shwachman Diamond "Dash For a Cure" (http://www.dashforacure.org). My right knee had, for some unknown reason, been bothering me the last 2 days. I hadn't thought much of it, I figured it might keep me out of this race if it didn't feel better, but when I woke up this morning it felt fine.

When I was warming up, I felt it twinge a bit, but I stretched it out and felt good to go.

The horn sounds, I start running.

Then it starts to twinge again. After a minute or 2 it feels fine, so I keep on rolling.

By the end of the race, I was really starting to feel it.

As you can see in this picture, I managed to finish the race, only 3 seconds worse than my last one (which, I guess isn't bad considering the circumstances). I sat down afterwards to rest a bit and drink some water. When I stood up, I could no longer bear weight on my right leg. Ouch. I came home, iced it and took some Advil. It is feeling better now, I can walk on it, but it is still sore as a mofo. Hopefully it heals up over the next few days so I can resume running...otherwise I guess I should see a doctor. Fingers crossed! Next time, if my knee isn't perfect, I ain't running. Lesson learned.
Way to tough it out Brian. And yeah, you have done a lot of running lately, bound to strain something at some point. Well done though B.
So why did Bayer take you vets out to shower you with gifts? Are they trying to get you to use some of their drugs in your vet practice? You sellin' out to da man?!
Yes, they try to sway us to use their products, basically....actually, that isnt really true, my practice happens to use a lot of their stuff, so they love us and give us free shit all the time. For example, we got to see the last Harry Potter film a day before it came out! Perks rule.
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