1) Another visit to the doctor today - all is well, Angela can stop the medicine tomorrow, and if she goes into labor, well, then, they will just let nature take its course! Angela is, of course, thrilled and petrified by this, because now that she is able to stop the meds, her shakiness should resolve....but now the baby could come any day!!! The doctor checked Angela out - she is not yet dilated at all, and she said it felt like the baby was in the proper position, but just to be sure, she did a quick ultrasound scan - it was AWESOME seeing the baby's head and teeny tiny toes...as well as its liver and heart. Looks quite healthy from a non-human-doctor's point of view! All very very exciting!
2) Got some new kicks today, proper running ones - Brooks Radius 06, pictured below:

They are super comfy and I can't wait until I am able to run again so I can give them a real test-drive.
3) Went to Alex and Korinne's house for dinner tonight and met their adorable 6 week-old Husky pup Nikita! She is absolutely gorgeous, and she likes shoes - I have the bite marks to prove it.

(Please pardon the blurry/crappy cell phone picture, its the best I have at the moment!)
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