Friday, February 10, 2006


It has been a while since I have posted - no reason, really, other than I haven't had much going on! Work is the usual, wife is incubating our little mini-human, and that's about it...until I noticed that our 1 year wedding anniversary was just around the corner.

1 year has passed in the blink of an eye. It is hard to believe that 365 short days ago, Angela and I were preparing for the biggest day of our lives. We had all of our friends and family in town just to see us get married. Thankfully, the weather cooperated (which it is not going to do this year, as a Noreaster is heading to town tomorrow!), and the day went off without a hitch. It feels like just yesterday....yet so much has happened since:

1) I am 50lbs lighter.
2) We are pregnant.
3) We moved out of our shithole apartment into an amazing one.
4) I popped a dog's eyeball back into its socket for the first time today.
5) My dad had his gall bladder removed.
6) My mom had laser-eye surgery (now Marty is jealous and anxious to have it done himself!).
7) My sister got a boyfriend...believe me, that is big news for her, who we all thought would be the eternal partier-bachelorette.
8) Mike and Susan got married.
9) David and (a different) Susan got engaged.
10) Carl and Rachel bought a house.
11) I gave up playing Texas Hold'Em against Jared because he wins every fucking time.
12) Lenny is in Oklahoma learning to monitor the skies (FAA Training).
13) I mentioned the baby thing, right? OK, just checking...
14) Koomo bought a house.
15) Michelle tried her luck with a job here on Long Island...and had to go back home to Canada for a family health issue which we hope gets resolved quickly and happily.

Yet, with all of these new things, some things (thankfully) remained the same:

1) My Grandma Phyllis is kicking cancer's ass.
2) My Grandpa Sonny has recovered well from his run-in with an asshole-truck driver.
3) Nanny and Poppy are, as always, living it up.
4) We remain content with our work environment, and all of our work-mates/friends.
5) Angela's family (which is, now, my family as well!) and all of our friends are all doing well in the UK, and we miss everyone there desperately EVERY DAY.
6) Everyone in our NY family is doing fine and dandy.
7) I continue to hit the gym with a vengeance...never gave up, never will give up, will continue to stay in shape for the rest of my life.

And oddly enough...there is one thing that changes daily, yet somehow remains the same:

1) The immense feelings of love I have towards my amazing wife - this can obviously not begin to be expressed in words, but suffice it to say that every day my love for her grows deeper than I ever thought possible. As I see her belly starting to bulge with our little child in there, I can't help but be so very thankful for the life I have. I wish everyone could be so lucky.

So, upon reflection of an incredible year gone by, I can't complain. Everyone has frustrating days here and there...however it is amazing how I can't recollect a single one as I write this. Just goes to show how the good can far outweigh the bad. Here's to hoping everyone's 2006 is a fantastic one.

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