Monday, October 27, 2008

NBC Interview!

Here it is - direct from the NBC website!!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Monday = Media Day

As the marathon rapidly approaches, my couple of media "appearances" are going to be broadcast during the marathon week - both my CBS radio interview and my NBC-TV interview will be broadcast on Monday, October 27th. They may be replayed again during the marathon itself on Nov 2nd. Marla Diamond, the CBS reporter, kindly emailed me mp3's of 2 snippets of my interview with her so that I could put it on my blog for others not in the NY area could hear it. I could think of no other way to do this other than to play the snippets in succession on my computer while videoing my computer screen and putting it on youtube. I think the quality is pretty decent, you can at least hear the 2 30-second clips pretty clearly. So here's that:

I am going to record my NBC interview, and should hopefully, with Marty's help, be able to figure out how to get that onto youtube more directly than I did with this radio interview!

Please keep sending me good vibes! I am in the middle of my taper weeks, which means that these next days until the marathon I gradually decrease the amount of running I am doing to try and rest my legs while at the same time trying to keep up the level of endurance I spent the last 4 months building up. Tapering = heaven. I can't wait til the day or two before the race when I get to carb-load like CRAZY! :)

Off I go... enjoy the interview!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

House Pics!

I finally got around to uploading some pics from the camera - these are some photos of the house just after closing, right through to our move in day of October 2nd. I also added some current Ella pics, including some from this weekend's Fall Festival in Long Beach. The house on the inside is currently in shambles, but it already looks better than it does in most of these pics. The living room, for instance, you will see looks half painted - I just finished the trim tonight, so it looks nicer now. :) Enjoy!

PS- I did my last 20 mile training run yesterday, am officially tapering down now for the big race in UNDER 3 WEEKS!!!

Our New Home!

Me shlepping power tools. MANLY.

The kitchen.

Dining room.

Boiler/Laundry Room.

Currently Ella's room, will end up as the spare bedroom.

Currently our bedroom, will end up as the Office/Workout room.

Shlepping more stuff!

There used to be a kitchen in this vicinity here...

Moved in, stuff EVERYWHERE. This is the living room, photographed from the kitchen.

Dining room chock full o' boxes n' stuff.


Smoochie smoochie.

Giant pumpking toting child.

Ella shouting "I got you daddy!" as she holds me steady as I paint the trim. Gross calves, I know.

Playing in her very own backyard!

Cat boots.

Fall festival!

3 generations of Spar.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

New Stuff!

Lots of good stuff going on the past couple of weeks!

1) We closed on our house and are all moved in!

2) My sister and her boyfriend Dan got engaged!

3) My Runner's World article is out on stands now (November issue, page 26)!

4) I was interviewed by Monica Morales from NBC, and should be on the NBC news sometime on thursday! I will try to record it and put it on YouTube for those of you not in NY...! Will keep ypi posted as to what time it will be on NBC for those of you in NY who want to watch it LIVE!!

Mel, Dan and Mom at the engagement party.

The article!