Wednesday, August 23, 2006


After several "requests" (i.e. demands) for new photos of the little 'un, I have finally gotten around to getting some pics on the computer, so here ya go! Some quick updates in Ella's development: She is rapidly become more human-like and less pet-like - she is staying awake and alert a lot more, she adores being on her back on the changing pad or on the bed, at which time she squawks like a duck, makes monkey sounds, giggles and smiles. She loves swinging in her swing while staring at the little floating animals above. She also enjoys being in her vibrating bouncy chair. She still wakes up twice a night for feedings and diaper changes, but the feedings are going quicker, and she fills her diaper about 10-12 times daily (down from 20!). Angela and her are settling into nice routines with feeding, and although both are recovering from thrush (i.e. yeast infections), they are kicking ass. I am being allowed to feed her some pumped milk ~1x a day, and I enjoy doing so - she stares intently into my eyes as she sucks down her meal, it is a very cool experience. I think she is starting to recognize us more; she gazes at us frequently and you can almost sense that she knows who we are. Both of us can't wait til the day that her movements become more than flailing reflexes and turn into outstretched arms awaiting big hugs.

A lovely bracelet made for Ella by Apryl, our co-worker. She's a bit small for it yet...

One of the few times I have been allowed to feed the little one.

Long lost relative of Sideshow Bob??

Funny face!

Entraced by her momma.

Dressed up in her new Greek dress, courtesy of Aunt Melissa and Uncle Daniel!!!

Tango, anyone?

Well, hellllllllllo!

I have no idea what caption to write for this one - suggestions?'

Pretty girl and her pretty momma.

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