Wednesday, October 18, 2006

An Apple A Day...

Today was Ella's 3-month doctors appointment. She now weighs 12.4lbs and is 22.25 inches long! She was such a trooper - she was smiling and giggling the entire time, until, of course, the shots were administered. At which point she gave a little shriek of annoyance, and then started to smile again. No bad reactions this time!

Reading my buddy Josh's Blog made me start to get my ass in gear to sort out Ella's US Passport. We are doing that one first, and once it gets in the works, we shall get her UK Passport (we have to send all sorts of stuff to the UK Embassy to get that one!). I shall attach Ella's first Passport photo - what a photogenic face, eh?

Oh, and LETS GO METS!!! Game 7, tomorrow night. Then, WORLD SERIES on Saturday!!! Hopefully...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My, what big eyes she has! All the better for her passport :)

Yeah, the British consulate here in BCN demands a copy of our marriage license that can only be obtained by applying at the civil registry office. Pain in my arse. At least they don't need Jan's college transcript like the US needed from me.