Sunday, November 19, 2006

Gobble Gobble!

Haven't written in a while, so I will give a few quick updates on this past weekend:

1) Friday night, Lenny, Jared and I went into the city to meet my friend from vet school Charlotte and her friends Claire and Ane. We ate at a BBQ Restaurant/Bar and then went to a couple of bars/pubs in the meatpacking district. A good time was had by all, was really great seeing Charlotte again - it had been over 3 years!

2) Saturday I had to work, but Angela's dad (Alan) and his wife (Arlene) came to visit along with her aunt (Mavis) and uncle (Terry). Ella got to meet and greet everyone and had a lovely time! I only got to see them for an hour before they left, but it was very nice to see them!

3) Today was the Long Beach 10K Turkey Trot that my old high school friend Kim talked me into signing up for. It was FREEZING out, especially along the boardwalk, and while we waited to start the race, I felt like I was going to die. It was SO COLD. But once we started, I felt fine. I was happy with how the race went, although I didn't reach my goal of finishing in under an hour, I got pretty close (which isn't bad for a first time!) with a time of 1:00:54. I felt astonishingly fine after I finished, better than I had felt after either of my previous 5k runs, so I guess I must be getting better at this running thing than I had thought. However, once I got home, my nose started running and the congestion set in, so the cold that I thought I was kicking has come back to kick me a bit. I'll live...and here's some pics!

Ella in a cute little baseball cap.

(Left-Right) Uncle Terry, Aunt Mavis, Ella, Arlene and Alan.

Me posing like an idiot pre-race (Angela told me to do it, I swear!).

Coming towards the finish...

At the finish!

Back home with Ella!


Anonymous said...

Dude, your legs are RIPPED!

Happy Turkey Day.

Anonymous said...

Ella sure is getting bigger and more and more beautiful every day! You look so phenominal and we are so proud of you running races and just really getting so into shape. I love you alot and I just wanted to tell you that. I hope Ella gives you as much joy as you did to us!

Anonymous said...

You'll be running halfies with me in no time...awesome job dude