Sunday, May 24, 2009


Today was the annual Long Beach Salute to Our Veterans 10 Mile Run. Me, Mel, my boss Keith, step-mom Maura, and Mel's friend Brooke (along with around 400 other folks) came out to salute our veterans. Dad helped direct traffic as one of the Auxiliary Police that lined the course. The weather was a bit warm and muggy, but all in all not bad conditions. I, of course, have not been training at all, so was pleased to finish in 1:26:15 (8:38 min/mile). Melissa knocked about 6 minutes off of her time from last year, which was awesome. Keith finished very respectably, especially considering he did a ridiculous 45+ mile HILLY bike ride the day before. Brooke also finished in good shape, so fun was had by all.

In honor of our veterans, I shall now post pictures of Ella. :)

My Little Ballerina

Ella's proper tartan dress, straight from Scotland, courtesy of Nana and Granddad Nick.

Ella's proper tartan dress, direct from Scotland...covered in chocolate.

LONG legs like her mommy.

More chocolate...

Quick on the draw.

Having fun with Nana (note Ella's bib around Nana's neck)

Learning how to play footie from Granddad Nick.


Pimms anyone?


The New Yankee Stadium - courtesy of Alex. :)

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