Saturday, April 09, 2005


Made it back safe and sound from sunny FLA. While down there, we went shopping a couple of times (bought nothing, but pretended to), saw my friends from vet school, went out to eat with the grandparents and chilled out. We also looked around at some houses, just for the hell of it. It is unreal what $350,000 will get you down there. While here, in hell - sorry, I mean Long Island - $350g can maybe get you a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom fixer-upper in a not nice area, in most parts of FLA (and probably most parts of the world), you can get a gorgeous new 3 bed 2 bath home with a pimped out BBQ and an 8 person jacuzzi. Go figure. Too bad I despise the heat, or else I would consider moving.

Just back from my weekly Texas Hold 'Em slaughter, got my ass handed to me again. At least this time I was the 3rd one eliminated rather than 1st. You'd think I would learn from my mistakes, wouldn't you? Guess not. Perhaps I am retarded.

Anyway, its bedtime now, not much else exciting to, until next time America (and whoever else might be reading this)...take care of yourselves and each other. God Bless Jerry Springer.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My dad moved down to Fla for that very reason. A crummy shack on Strong Island or a 3 bedroom with a pool outside Tampa! It was a no-brainer.