Saturday, April 02, 2005

R.I.P. JP2

Today felt like UK weather here in NY - was raining and miserable ALL day. Worked til 2:30pm, headed to the gym, then home to de-funk and off to Long Beach for dinner with mom, Marty and sister (Melissa) for Mel's birthday. Had scallops and cod, YUM.

When I was on the treadmill at the gym, I was watching the extensive coverage of the Pope's last hours. This was just before his death was announced by the Vatican...some guy was talking about the Pope's life, etc, when he was cut off and they flashed the graphic on the screen that JP2 had died. At that EXACT moment when they announced his death, my IPod started playing "Like a Prayer" by Madonna. I swear to god! Then, the next song to follow that was "Enter Sandman" by Metallica ("Exit light, enter night, take my hand, it's off to Never Never Land") and after that "I Want to Get High" by Cypress Hill. I am not exaggerating this AT ALL. Coincidence? Perhaps...

Now, I just have to pack as we are heading to Florida tomorrow for a few days in the sun with my grandparents and will also meet up with a couple of vet school friends. So, you won't hear from me til we return on wednesday....until then, when you think of me, just remember the good ol' Sesame Street theme song: "Sunny days, keeping the clouds away...on my way to where the air is sweet...can you tell me how to get, how to get to [Delray Beach, FLA]..."

Even though I am a Jew...R.I.P. JP2.



Anonymous said...

hipocrit......Brian... i remember you stated quite explicitly you would never own or play any song by metallica. Very disappointing..

Brian said...

Yes, Nate, you are correct. This is what made it all the more strange, I didn't have any Metallica on my IPod...