Friday, June 10, 2005


I am in a great mood today - we have off saturday thru monday, and DAMN do I need it! Been working pretty much non-stop since we moved into the new place (hence why I haven't been writing in the blog much), and we still have yet to put up any pictures, put books and cd's away, etc. We also need to go shopping for a new BBQ, Patio Set, bookcases, blah blah, lots to do to make this apartment more like our home. But we are looking forward to it!

In other news, this past week I went to 2 Mets games - first one was pretty good, Pedro Martinez pitched, Mike Cameron made a spectacular catch in right field, and a girl directly next to me caught a foul ball. Yes, I was pretty pissed that I didn't reach for that ball, but hey, that's life. It was very strange - the ball was hit, I stood up and thought, "That ball will never make it this far." It got closer, and still I thought, "Nah, no way." Then....WHAM. It hit that poor girl right in her side. So I guess she earned it...the weird part was that my depth perception of that ball heading towards me was so off that I didn't realize it was going to land near me until it was too late. I don't think I even put my hands up to try and catch it...but hey, it was the closest I had ever been to a foul ball. I may have even been on TV, who knows? Bottom line - Mets win.

The second game was also a great game - Pedro vs. Roy Oswalt, a great pitching matchup. This game was pretty damn good, a couple of foul balls came close, but nowhere near as close as the other game. The coolest part was that Pedro took a no-hitter into the 7th inning, so it was an exciting atmosphere seeing as the Mets have never pitched a no-hitter, so we could have been a witness to history - however some rookie bashed a home run over the left field wall. Bottom line - Pedro gets a 2 hitter, Mets win.

Other than that stuff, have had a pretty busy week at work, some strange cases that I am trying to get a handle on, some sad cases that I had to euthanize...but luckily, my last 4 appointments today consisted of a siamese kitten, border collie pup, golden retriever pup, and shih-tsu pup, all healthy, crazy little creatures. So, today ended on a happy note!

I now am watching TV on my computer, just back from the gym, and I need a shower. So, I shall de-funk, and then put some TV screen-grabs up on the blog for you all to see.

Til we meet again!

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