Saturday, February 10, 2007

Sitting Pretty

You know, some days just are not good ones. For instance - yesterday, the first two patients I saw were young animals with serious problems: first was a 3 year old boxer dog that came in for me to "check breathing" - the dog was breathing very hard, and at first glance, the first thing I thought of was kennel cough. Upon examination, didn't really fit with the criteria for kennel cough, and I found several masses on the dog's body. Immediately alarm bells went off - masses in a boxer = scary. Turns out, the dog has Mast Cell tumors, and I shall begin the process of staging to see whether this is amenable to surgery/chemo/whatever. This is a 3 year old dog.

Next appointment was a 10 month old kitten that came in for me to "check breathing." God damn breathing. AGAIN. Well, surely this couldn't be any big deal - 10 months old, maybe having an asthma attack? WRONG. He has a huge tumor in his chest (which happened to be full of fluid), and is now in kitty heaven. 10 MONTHS old.

So, yeah that was a major bummer of a day. But now Ella can sit up on her own, so I am happy again. :)

Here's photos! And video!

Ella chewing on some frozen banana - I thought it was a good shot of her lovely eyes.

Happy chick.

Sitting up with no assitance!

The next Beethoven? This picture totally reminds me of Schroeder from Peanuts cartoons.

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