Saturday, February 03, 2007

Sharp Stuff

Marty and mom were kind enough to buy us a shiny new set of knives from Sharper Image a week or 2 ago. They are great - much sharper than any knife I have had in recent memory. Today, as Ella sat in her exersaucer and Angela worked, I decided to make myself a nice healthy salad. I began slicing and dicing, and was having a good ol' time. Then Ella decided to start I said to myself, "Self - you better make this quick." So I was chopping up my lettuce a bit more quickly, when I noticed bright red liquid covering the leaves. "What the hell...?" Yes folks...I sliced a chunk of my finger off. Just like my mom did several years ago with a bagel knife. I promptly removed the slice of flesh from the knife and discarded it. I then wrapped the chunkless finger to stop the bleeding, washed off my lettuce, and carried on with the salad (which was delicious, I might add). I finally got the wound to stop bleeding an hour or so later. I removed my self-made bandage to show Angela when she got home and, wouldn't ya know it, it's bleeding again! Yippee! I won't photograph the wound for fear of making some people puke, but its a pretty decent size...hopefully it will heal in time. Anyway, here, for your viewing enjoyment, back due to popular demand.....Ella!

The girl can practically sit up on her own now.

Self-timers rock.

Exersaucer = best thing ever.

Ella obviously agrees.

Getting SO huge! And always smiling!

Oh, and here's some more video...not that thrilling, but its what the people want:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't get over how big Ella is getting!Before you know it she will be running all over the house! Hahahahhahahh. You can see the bond you have with her in that picture where you are looking at each other. It is really special! Enjoy all the moments you have with her now before you know it she will be all grown up.