Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Tod·dler (tdlr) n.
1. One who toddles, especially a young child learning to walk.
2. A size of clothing for children between the ages of about one and three years.

Today we decided to change Ella's crib into a "toddler bed" which basically means we took the front of it off and installed a separate little thingy which has a much lower frame and a hole in the frame where Ella can come and go from her bed as she pleases. Not my idea, believe me. I had the pleasure of being the first to try and get her to go to sleep in her new toddler bed. Upon reaching bedtime, Ella happily ran into her room and closed the door, which had me thinking things might go quite smoothly. Well, she hopped into bed and flopped down. Super! Then she promptly sprung up and jumped out of bed and into my lap. Then back into bed. Then back into my lap. Over and over. For an hour.

"I am going to KILL Angela for suggesting this and then leaving me to deal with it myself!" I thought.

Finally, I just picked her up and told her to lay her head on my shoulder, which she did, and she fell asleep. I put her down in her "toddler bed" and all has been quiet since. That was about 2 hours ago...we'll see how it goes! I anticipate being woken up by Ella smacking me in the head at around 3 am, her all bright eyed and bushy tailed, myself again professing hatred for the suggestion of allowing her such freedom at such a tender young age. *SIGH* I guess we had to do it at some point.

OK, here's some photos/video.

Gymnast in the making?

Alexa and Ella eyeing up the same blue balloon

Ella settled for a white one.

A budding Sarah McLachlan fan.

*WARNING* - The following video is now officially the cutest thing ever. Just wanted to let you know before you indulge in its splendor.

Dr. Doolittle?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! That is by far the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life! Me and Daniel are ocming to LB on Monday and we must see her!