Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Racing!

Yesterday, my sister and I ran a 10 mile race in Long Beach. I wouldn't have done it if it weren't so close to home (seeing as I hadn't really run much over the past 3 weeks after my knee hurt post-Half Marathon), but I figured "What the hell." Weather was perfect, and thus both of us did very well - I bested my last 10 miler time by about 30 seconds, and Melissa ran her fastest long run ever, averaging a 9:30 min/mile. The last mile of the race I actually ran in 7:55, which is quite amazing for me considering I felt completely drained...oh, and my knee doesn't hurt either...! Here's some finish line photos, courtesy of Angela (and Ella was there cheering us on!):

Still smiling, probably at the sight of wifey and my clapping munchkin!

The camera battery died before we could get Mel crossing the line, but she is that blue dot.

Today was a nice relaxing day - this morning, Angela took me along to her Stroller Strides class again, which was supposed to be a family day, but I was the only daddy there...yes, I felt a bit awkward at first, but it was nice to be outside with my ladies, and Ella helped me by sitting on my belly while I was trying to do crunches. By "helped," of course, I mean the exact opposite, but she was smiling and giggling, so who can argue with that? When we got home, we all napped for a couple of hours, and hung out for the rest of the day. Now, it is off to snooze-ville, tomorrow we are all back to work! Happy Memorial Day to all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

9:29 minute mile.... lol

Had a great time with you guys this weekend, I miss ella!! Ill be back next weekend and will be around to see her on Sunday at some point, maybe saturday too... love you all!