Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Mission Accomplished!

So today, our day off, we went to check out some more apartments. 2 more to be exact. Here's the rundown:

1) E. Rockaway, 3 bedroom 1.5 bath. Nice airy place....but no washer/drier, parking for only 1 car....and $1850 a month. Verdict: Too much money, washer and drier a must. So, No.

2) Long Beach - 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Bottom floor of a house, side entrance. Hardwood floors in the living room and dining room. Kitchen is big, all new appliances etc. Bathroom is large and modern, all new stuff. Bedrooms are large, carpeted, new closet doors. Complete with washer/drier/dishwasher. And we get the backyard all to ourselves. Verdict: PERFECT!!

So, monday we are going to sign all the paperwork, have our credit reports checked etc. All being well....we are gonna be moving in in a couple of weeks!!! The dining room we shall make into our computer room, and we are already making plans to buy a new bed, new stuff for the bigger apartment, etc.

Fingers crossed that all works out well!!

Looks like I am moving back to my ol' stomping grounds!


PS-> Got my new DMB cd/t-shirt today - new album is VERY different, but I like it!!!!


Anonymous said...

What's the going rate for a "perfect" apartment in Strong Beach these days? Did you break the bank? And where is the house (for those of us familiar with the neighborhood)?

And, oh yeah, congratlu-bloody-lations!

Brian said...

Well, this apartment was pretty damn pricey to be honest - $1675 per month. However, it is worth it - sanity is priceless. And I would do whatever it takes to keep wifey happy, and she despises where we currently live. The washer/drier is worth its weight in gold (according to Angela).

The place is located on Franklin Blvd just north of Park Ave (between Park and Chester St). Probably a 1/2 mile walk to the boardwalk. Not too shabby!
