Saturday, May 19, 2007

I Know, I Know!

Yes, I KNOW it has been a while since my last post, but a) I have been busy, b) I have been tired and c) I haven't had much to post really...alas, I have gotten multiple demands from all over the globe to update this space, so who am I to deny the people what they want??

So, um, lets see...I had a photo shoot this past Wednesday for Men's Health magazine - and before you ask:

1) Yes, REALLY.

2) No, I don't know which issue yet...

3) I was surfing their website, clicked a link to share my weight-loss story, and was promptly interviewed and, now, photographed.

So, I met with the photographer and his crew at Coney Island on Wednesday afternoon right before a storm was supposed to hit us. To make a long story short, I had to run back and forth over and over and over for 2.5 hours. I had to trot, sprint, smile, be "intense", and do so for I would say at least 150 photos. It was very hard work, but the photographer Justin Steele ( was a super nice dude, very professional, and from the few photos I saw, takes some awesome and flattering photos of this flabby bastard!! :) He said he would email me some, and when he does, I will post them. Needless to say, I am still sore 3 days later, and the sunburn is just starting to subside.

Now, of course, your Ella fix:

Not thrilled about being trapped in the laundry basket.

First Mother's Day out of Angela's uterus...!

Standing up all on her own!

Here is a little compilation video, including the ever-so-popular "If You're Happy and You Know It" hand-clapping!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That video is rediculous- Seriously! Its insane how GORGEOUS she is!