Sunday, July 29, 2007

Ella's First Birthday Party!

Today we had Ella's 1st B-day shindig! It was quite a LONG day, starting with an attempt at an 11 mile run with Keith this morning. When I say attempt, I mean we ran about 9.8 miles, and then the 98% humidity forced us to stop and walk if we wanted to continue to live rather than drown in the surrounding saturated air. Yes, it was stupid. No, we shouldn't have even attempted the run. But next week will seem that much easier for having done it. That's what I tell myself anyway. So, anyway, left the house at 7:30 am, got home around 10:30 am. Had a shower, got all of the stuff together for the party and shlepped it over to the venue. Mom, Mel, Dad and Nanny (who's actual birthday is today as well! Happy Birthday Nanny!) all met me
there, and we all got the room together and decorated (Angela had to stay home because Ella decided she needed a nap at 11:20 am!). Angela and Ella turned up around 12:45pm, and the guests began arriving around 1 pm. The weather was miserable - huge thunderstorms rocked the area (thank god we didn't decide on a BBQ for the birthday bash!), so a few people travelling from far and wide (i.e. cousins Bonnie and Hy from NJ and Susan and Dave from Rockland County) got caught in traffic, but all made it in the end. It was a great time, really nice food (Moe's Mexican...MMMMMM!), and delightful cupcakes for dessert (see photos!), made by Angela (she put together the mix and did some of the baking), myself (some baking and applied the frosting) and Melissa (decorated each cupcake painstakingly!). DAMN they were good. After everyone left, the arduous task of clean-up duty fell to dad and myself...and then I had to cram everything into my car to transport home. Once that was complete, I had to then get everything out of the car and into the house. Finally, I had to get everything in the fridge which needed to be cold, and put together all of Ella's new toys so she could play with them ASAP, throw all of the garbage out, and make dinner. It is now 10:20pm, and I am wiped. Here are some lovely photos from the day, courtesy of Marty and Melissa. I really need a shower.

The aforementioned cupcake tower...

...and the cake!

Mel, Ella and Me

Dad, Mel...and Me.

Mel and Dan

The Spar Family

The weirdest my eyes have EVER looked.

Dan and Alexa

Mel, Cousin Bonnie, Mom and Auntie Hannah

Ella laughing (for a change) with Nanny!

Dan and Mom

The coolest frame EVER, courtesy of Mel and Dan

Me and m'little 'un making our weirdo grumpy faces.

Lauren, Me and Ella (I wonder what exactly she wanted from me...?)


Bonus Photos: Ella's Class Photos, taken just last week. She is, as always, a smiling ray of sunshine on an otherwise cloudy day...just look at the huge ear-to-ear grin on her!!

I am sure, as more people send them, I will be posting any new or different photos of the party in the next few days. Until then......I am spent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That 12-month picture frame is 12 shades of awesome! And you had me laughing out loud when I went from the description to the Bonus Pictures :)