Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Training Update #2

Hello again!

This week marked the first official training week for the marathon.
This past Friday, I sat down with a couple of possible training plans
and combined aspects of all of them to create my own 18-week plan. I
wanted to start from scratch, so am starting at a slower pace than I had
been accustomed to, which is pretty sensible considering that I have
never run any further than 14 miles, so I can't expect to maintain a
14-mile pace for 26.2 miles! So far, so good - a 3 mile mellow trot on
monday and a 5 mile tempo run today. Feeling great!

As I mentioned, I promised Angela that I would go to a cardiologist
before attempting the race. I never thought she would actually hold me
to that...alas I was wrong, as she pulled out the medical insurance book
last week and made me pick a doctor and call to make an appointment
while she stood listening. Yes, seriously.

So, today was the big day - would my heart pass the test? Would I be
able to fulfill all of these expectations placed upon myself? Would I
live the dream? Or have my hopes SHATTERED???

I went in to the office, filled out my paperwork and sat down and
waited. The waiting room was filled with, shall I say, "overly mature"
folk, several that needed walkers to move around. I felt a bit out of
place in my running shoes and sweat-wicking shirt and shorts (yes, I was
going for a run after the appointment). People may have been staring at
me, but I was too engrossed in watching one unfortunate woman try to get
her insurance sorted out to notice.

After a few minutes, I hear my name called, and follow the nurse in to
the doctor's office - now, I am talking about his office, not an exam
room - you know what I mean, his diplomas from 200 different
universities plastered on the walls, notes scribbled on bits of paper
scattered on his desk. I managed to sneak a peak at one of these sheets
of paper, and found that the good doctor was off to Toronto next week!
For what, we can only guess...but I digress.

The doctor looks at me as if I just flew in through the window or
something and says, "You are way to young to be here."
Obviously, flattered that this chap considers me a strapping young
stud, I say "Well, nothing is actually WRONG with me. Hopefully. My
loving/paranoid wife wants you to guarantee her that I will not die
doing the NYC Marathon. If I die, she is going to hunt you down and
destroy you, so just keep that in mind." I made that last part up. He
asked me a bunch of questions, including what I do for a living, if I
have run much in the past, etc etc. I tell him that I used to be 150lbs
heavier, I have been running for 2 years, and over the last calendar
year I have done 4 half marathons, 2 10-mile races and plenty of other
runs as well, and that I am a veterinarian. He looks at me and says,
"You are a vet? So you know this is a waste of time, right?"
I say, "Indeed I do, and my wife is also a vet who also likely knows
deep down that this is a waste of time. I just elect not to argue with
her." He laughed, and went on to say, "You have done all this running
over the past year and have had no problems - I highly doubt you will
have any going forward, but let's just do a couple of tests."

So, they weigh me, check my blood pressure and do an EKG - all of
which is perfectly normal. So the doctor gives me the "all clear" and
thus...the dream is alive! WHEW.

Another couple of cool bits of news - the charity I am running for,
Team for Kids, contacted me a few days ago. The person who writes the
newsletter for the organization, a lovely woman named Gail Waesche
Kislevitz (who has also run over 20 marathons and has written a couple
of books on the subject!), heard about me and wanted to have a chat
about my weight loss success to put in the newsletter. We spoke on the
phone for about 20 minutes yesterday, and it turns out she also writes
for Runner's World magazine, and is going to try and get my story
published in there as well! How cool is that!??! Oh, and also I
emailed the Long Beach Herald to see if they would print something about
me, so I could get some publicity in my home-town newspaper, and maybe
get some more donations rolling in - they emailed me back that they want
to do a featured article about me! Yeah, I'll be in the movies in NO
TIME at this rate...!

That's all I have for you for this installment of "Brian's Road To
Lunacy" - please stay tuned for more updates!  For all those who have
been donating to the cause, I once again must say THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
For those who have been meaning to, I will include the link again, and
appreciate all the good vibes you are sending my way.

Until next time,


To donate, please click the following link:

My Entry Number is 211355 - you will need to put this number and my
last name in the appropriate boxes in order to donate.

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